Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What's Happening: 10.26.10

Stories are everywhere. Look for interesting ones. TODAY you will need to pitch stories for the November issue of the paper. You will be asked to pitch one idea that has not already been pitched (by anyone regardless of class period), so be prepared with several ideas for stories that you might be interested in doing.  Here are two story ideas Wojo found while watching the school board meeting on television:
  • Site Supervisor job descriptions are changing AND they will soon be wearing a uniform shirt. What are the new duties? Will that effect pay? Why is the job description changing? What does the uniform shirt look like? Will Site Supervisors be deputized? How does this impact hiring (i.e. different basic requirements to apply for the job, additional screening, etc.)? How will this effect HMHS?
  • At the October 20 school board meeting, students and a few others spoke about outside food vendors coming on to district campuses. They were maintaining it should be allowed. Some board members said we have a closed campus system, so they should NOT be allowed. One board member said the rules need to be clarified. There was a motion to agendize the item for November 3 or November 17. What are the current rules about outside vendors? What is the story behind the student speakers? Where are they from? How does this effect club or class fundraising (i.e. does it mean that classes can't do Jamba Juice fundraisers)? What if a teacher wants to give a class a pizza party?
Speaking of stories, how will I get my story in this month?
  • The November issue of the paper has an extremely short turn around.
  • You will get your story assignment by the time you arrive to A period on Wednesday.
  • You will turn in a draft to your editor (which editor will be listed on the spreadsheet) on Monday, November 1 by 7:15 am
  • Your draft will be returned to you by Tuesday, November 2 for changes
  • That draft will be returned to the editor by Wednesday, end of second period (10:30 am).
  • If you need an extension, you will need to see Wojo. There will be no extensions for laziness. You must have a compelling reason why should you be granted extra time.
  • You will continue through the writing process with final drafts being due no later than Friday, November 5.
  • During this time, page designers will be setting up pages. Writers will be told how much room is on the page for their story. Your story will fit the space available. Photographers will be told the orientation of the photographs needed for the page.
  • In short, you have time in class to read your announcements and work on your story (or web assignment). Should you be doing other things during class time, it is unlikely that you will be granted any sort of extension on an assignment.
Speaking of web assignments...please feel free to get creative. Do an audio story. Do a photo story. Do a video. Think beyond print.

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