Monday, October 18, 2010

What's Happening: 10.18.10

Don't forget that web assignments are due Tuesday by 3:30 pm.

Worknight is Friday. All layout editors, EICs, copy editors and department editors must attend. Others will be notified throughout the week. Watch the wheasel (yes, that's how it's spelled) for more information.

Tomorrow, Tuesday (10/19), you will have a substitute. As a group, you have 25 minutes to interview her. You will write a profile of the substitute that will be share with Wojo by Thursday by 7 am. Use Google Docs for your document. Minimum 300 words. Must include direct quotes from your subject and/or others on campus who know her. Be sure you take good notes.

Worried about how to do a profile? The New York Times does great profiles (here's one tied to a specific event). Recently, they have been doing a series on what famous New Yorkers do on the weekends. You may choose the format of the portfolio, but you must include the elements listed above.

Speaking of the New York Times....Here's a blog on the college admissions process.

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