Monday, May 2, 2011

News and Notes: 5.2.11

How is Osama bin Laden's death being covered? Check out these sites to see what is being said around the world:
  1. Newsmap
  2. The World's Front Pages from Newseum (click on the thumbnails to see them better)
  3. Look at PCWorld's article on the Google Maps, Twitter and Facebook
  4. Check out the Twitter Timeline from the White House
  5. Poll: How did you hear about bin Laden's death? Vote in the poll, then look at the results.
Now that you've looked at several articles and features about the event AND the coverage of the event, start thinking about what it means. What can we learn about news coverage from this event? What are the positives and negatives of this coverage? What do people need to know about the coverage of breaking news events?

A period will have a discussion on this topic. First period has a guest speaker. Second period, we will have this discussion once the guest speaker leaves.

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