Or is it Valentines Day? Why should it be punctuated one way or another? Investigate, get a post-it note from the box and explain which way it should be punctuated and why.There are two schools of thought on it. Yes, this is an assignment.
It's Scholastic Journalism Week! Celebrate all things high school journalism by participating in this week's events.
Monday: Get a list of journalists through history. You will need to look up these people in order to participate in class on Thursday. Second, make a SJW ribbon. Pin it on. Wear it every day this week. Get points.
Tuesday: SJW Thank you cards. Get an index card. Decorate it. Include a message like the one on the wheasel. Melissa O. will add a piece of candy and deliver them to teachers. Use the list of teachers and staff provided. Make sure everyone gets a card.
Wednesday: Journalism Bingo! Play for prizes and glory.
Thursday: Guess Who? This is where the list of historical journalists comes in. The rules will be explained when you get here.
Friday: Journalism Potluck. Bring your favorite journalism-related dish to share with the class. Include a card with your dish to explain how it is related to journalism. For example, you could have Katie Couric Baby Carrots. Katie Couric was the first solo female news anchor for an evening newscast on one of the major networks.Be sure to include the explanation. You get points. If you don't want to bring food, you could bring cups, plates, forks, spoons and napkins. Just make sure they are journalism related!
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