Seniors: Your final is due before you leave your class period today.
Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors:
Your final will be an audit of the most recent issue of the paper. The purpose of an audit it to analyze the type and quality of coverage using a variety of benchmarks. For this assignment, you will be creating a report, complete with graphs and charts, to bring to your final.
First, review the demographics of Hercules High School by going to DataQuest.
Next, for level select SCHOOL, for subject select ENROLLMENT.
Click Submit
Next, make sure 2010-2011 is selected at the year, then type in HERCULES.
Make sure Hercules High is selected
Review Enrollment by ethnicity, grade and gender.
**NOTE: The numbers for freshmen in all categories is off (as is our total enrollment), but the percentages are roughly correct. For the purposes of this assignment, the percentages are close enough.
Now you are ready to begin your audit. Go through the June 3 issue of the paper and examine the way we cover our campus and its students. Create a chart for each of the following:
- number of stories for news, feature, arts, sports
- number of sports stories versus the number of spring sports
- number of stories featuring males, number of stories featuring females
- number of stories featuring freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors (yes, this issue will be heavy on senior coverage because of the Top 10 page and the doubletruck on seniors).
- number of stories featuring students of various ethnicities: African American, Hispanic, Asian, Filipino, White (these are our major some instances, this section might not be complete because you don't know the ethnicity of a student).
- number of stories citing an expert or authority figure on our campus, number of stories citing an expert or authority figure NOT on our campus (and where they are from).
- one more chart of your choosing that must be significantly different from those listed above. It must be something about the stories and the way they are covered.
Now for the hard part. Analyze our coverage. Compare our coverage to our demographics. What are we doing well? Who are we covering well? Who is being left out of the paper? What are we not doing well in terms of coverage? AND what should we do about it (this would be an action plan to remedy any areas of poor coverage)? Solutions may be creative, but must be reasonable. The analysis should be 2-3 pages long, not including the charts.
Put your audit portfolio neatly bound in a folder in the following order:
- Cover page that includes your name and the title of the assignment "Titan Template Audit, June 3, 2011 Issue"
- Charts as described above
- Analysis as described above